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The Hope Couples Workbook

Our team of therapists finds that we often use these interventions with the couples that we serve.  So we have consolidated everything into one place for you!  We hope this helps you dive deep into the area of relationship improvement you are working on each week.


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3 pathways to change in Hope


The Hope Approach to Couple Counseling and Enrichment was designed by Dr. Worthington and Dr. Ripley.  We answer the question- What is Hope?  Is it right for us?  And the Self-Assessment workbook helps you focus and create goals together as a couple.

hope Image by Clem Onojeghuo


Cooling Down & Confidence

If relationships have been caught in a negative cycle, then slowing down, cooling, and reflecting are often the next steps of Hope Approach.  Couple therapy is very limited until you feel you can confidently be yourself, share your needs, and respond to each other well.


Understand Needs & Patterns

Most couples improve by spending some time reflecting together on their relationship needs, and what patterns from past relationships they are caught in today.

hope Image by Marek Slomkowski
couple Image by Tim Mossholder


Communication & Conflict

How to communicate more effectively with each other, and handle conflict like a pro.


Bond & Intimacy

The intimacy that you share as a couple is extremely important to nurture and take care of.  This section of the workbook helps you intentionally build your bond.



Repair & Forgive

Relationships will experience pain and offenses in the future.  Learning how to effectively repair and forgive is the key!


Finish Well

Finish your couple counseling or enrichment with a flair.  One of the most important things is to solidify your new patterns as a couple.  This shares resources for you!

couple Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Note that this website is maintained by Jennifer Ripley, Ph.D., and is not reviewed or sponsored by Regent University. 

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