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Workbook 05:
Bond and Intimacy

When you feel disconnected or alone, then it's time to move towards each other.  If you have tried to connect and found that your ended up separated in the end.  It's time for an effective strategy.  These exercises help orient couples towards each other in a meaningful connection.



Review Your Intimacy Thermometers

In the self-assessment workbook you completed an intimacy thermometer exercise. Return to that, or create a new one if your relationship has changed. Discuss what types of intimacy matter to you, and why.


CLEAVE Together

This exercise reviews 5 parts to intimacy: CLEAVE

Change Actions to Positive

Loving Romance

Employ a Calendar

Adjust Intimacy Elsewhere

Value each Other

Enjoy Each Other Sexually

Holding Hands
18_Figure 15-1 Sternbergs theory.png


Passion, Intimacy & Commitment

You can understand your relationship using Sternberg's theory of love which describes 8 types of love.  Engage in an exercise that plots your love-triangle history.


Build Sexual Intimacy

Sexual intimacy is a unique aspect to intimate partnership. It combines our biological bond, with our psychological bond, and is a sacred bond to many people. These exercises on sexual bond are good for relationships.

Forrest Gump and Jenny crying at her broken one story country house_edited.jpg


Use Empathy in Difficult Times

Forrest Gump had the ability to empathically share in the pain and struggle of his friend Jenny.  One of the strongest ways to build a bond is to empathize with pain in your partner's life.


Pray Together

For couples who pray, we have two prayer practices to support positive prayers together, and for each other.  The prayer of the Examen and Lectio Divina can be applied to your relationship.

Image by Harli  Marten

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