Hope Approach Assessments
The following assessments were created by and used in the Hope Clinical Research Labs. They were designed for use by our clinicians. Most assessments are screens that could be used by licensed clinicians, experienced pastoral care providers, or students in training (under necessary supervision). Counselors should assess their own competency in the use of each assessment.
The Hope Weekly Couples Assessment: A one-page assessment form
Weekly Tracking Excel sheet for Display Enter the couple data and share their progress for discussion
The Self-Assessment Workbook. This workbook walks couples through basic assessments and goal setting for beginning counseling.
Personal Traits in Relationships Measure: Couples rate positive character qualities of self and partner.
The CARE: A global measure of 7 elements of relationship functioning relevant to the Hope Focused Theory.
Forgiving Offenses and Apologies in Our Relationship Measure: A 3-part measure of presence of severe offenses, everyday offenses, attributions about offenses, apology skills, and trait forgiving in relationship.
Hope Lab Depression Screen: A 10-item screen for depression.
Hope Project Symptom Checklist: This 40-item symptom checklist assist clinicians with screening for psychopathology by listing 40 common symptoms in many diagnoses.
Conflict Tactics Screen for Domestic Violence: A one-page screen for violence interactions between partners.​
Religious Commitment Inventory: Created by Worthington this quick 10 item measure gives you a sense of religiosity of your clients.
Worthington's Marriage Measures: A variety of measures for couples.
Assessments from Outside the Hope Project
The following are some of our favorite assessments created by other people. You would need to contact the author of the assessment to use the assessment.
Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale: A "gold standard" brief measure of relationship quality. Busby, D.M., Christensen, C., Crane, D.R., & Larson, J.H. (1995). A revision of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale for use with distressed and nondistressed couples: Construct hierarchy and multidimensional scales. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 21, 289-308.
2 measures of sacred perceptions of marriage: Mahoney, A., Pargament, K. I., Jewell, T., Swank, A. B., Scott, E., Emery, E., & Rye, M. (1999). Marriage and the spiritual realm: The role of proximal and distal religious constructs in marital functioning. Journal of Family Psychology, 13, 321-338.
The Relationship Dynamics Scale: Developed by Scott Stanley, PhD., and the folks at the PREP program. This is a brief overall measure of relationship dynamics.
The Conflict Tactics Scale: Published by Western Psychological, this 10 minute assessment is the gold standard clinical measure for domestic violence with couples.
The PAIR (Personal Assessment of Intimacy in Relationships): A 36-item measure of relational intimacy for couples with good research support for the measure.
Two Measures from John Gottman's research: These two measures, "how well do your know your partner" and "bids for connection" come from Gottman's lab, but can be used in a variety of clinical couples work.
Spiritual Well Being Scale: A measure of subjective spiritual well being created by Craig Ellison, PhD, that has become a classic religiosity measure.